Trans Dangan Zine

Trans Dangan: A trans pride Dangan Ronpa zine is a zine centered around just what its title says: trans pride within Dangan Ronpa!

The premise of this zine, other than what was stated above, is to celebrate smaller transgender artists within the fandom! We are excepting all kinds of art and writing into our zine, as long as it fits within our guidelines. We are promoting inclusivity and diversity within the characters depicted and will try our best to represent this in our final product!

This will be both a physical and digital zine, so you will have the option to buy either a digital or physical pack during preorders with the accompanied merch. The physical anthologies will be printed using Mixam and the physical merch using Vograce. All preorders will be held on BigCartel when the time comes.

Time until interest check closes

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    Please check back another time, or in the meantime
    fill out our interest check

    NoahHi! I'm Noah, and I've modded two zines in the past, contributing in a countless number. I'm super excited to be working on this project!TWT/INSTA/TMBLR @tonaegiris
    What is a zine?A zine, defined by what we are doing, is a multi-contributor project that is centered around one topic and self-published to sell. The topics can be anything from a piece of media to one specific character.
    I've never been accepted into a zine before, is there anything I should know?Not much that cannot be answered by one of our mods or somewhere here on our Carrd! All instructions will be clearly labeled on whatever you are filling out, and if not don't shy away from messaging any of us! All of the mods' socials can be found on our 'mods' page
    Interest CheckOct 20thNov 30th
    Mod AppsDec 5thDec 31st
    Contributor AppsJan 1stJan 31st
    Creation periodFeb 20thMay 31st
    Zine constructionJune 1stAugust 31st
    PreordersSeptember 20th???
    Production Period??????
    leftover Sales??????